Thursday, August 9, 2012

Into the Second Third...

eeeek.  So, I am not as great as I thought I would be at chronicling this pregnancy.  I'll blame the 2 preschoolers, full-time job, recent vacation, studying for acupuncture, traveling husband, and trying to maintain some semblance of fitness, at least for now.  Not to mention the improving-but-still-mind-numbing exhaustion that sets in at about 7:30 every night...

So here I am, week almost-16.  Or almost-17.  Being an overachiever, I have my dates set a week ahead of what my official due date is - I'm guessing closer to January 18th than to the 25th.  I've had one routine OB appointment and one "high risk" OB appointment so far.  According to the medical coding system, I'm an "elderly gravida," which is an automatic "high risk" referral, but it's really my previous complicated pregnancy with Abi that got me there.  The MFM doc I met was so nice, and his group will continue to follow me throughout this pregnancy, which hopefully just means more ultrasounds and check ups - no complaining here!

My belly continues to pooch out, and I swear this baby is bigger than all the websites say.  I've never seen an avocado this big before!

Sam has started tugging at the fronts of all my shirts to "pull them down over your big tummy."  Going to have to pull out the maternity clothes soon.

My weight fluctuates by about 4 lbs from day to day, but on average, I think I've gained about 4-5 lbs.  Feels like way more than that.  I'm still able to run, although not as much, as far, or as fast as I had been before.  There's definitely some discomfort with the little one in there!  But it still feels great to keep the blood moving, and it doesn't seem as hot as it did even a month ago (N.B. it is still August in Florida, so the temperatures are still ridiculously scorching, but I think my body is able to regulate its temperature a little bit more).  I don't think I wrote this before, but early on during this pregnancy I was running at night and I tripped over the sidewalk and had a FOOSH (love that acronym - fall on outstretched hand).  I ended up getting an X-ray because it really, REALLY hurt, and there was a tiny fracture in the bone.  Thankfully, it didn't need to be casted or immobilized, but it still gives me trouble.  Anyway, I tell that story to illustrate that the whole "being off balance" and "having looser ligaments" in pregnancy thing is apparently actually true for me.  I'm sure it's not that I'm clumsy or uncoordinated.  Now, when I run, I frequently focus on not falling, and I visualize myself rolling into a little ball if I do fall, so all my extremities and of course my avocado will be safe.

Last week I thought I felt some movement from in there, but if I did, it must have been the little avocado doing triple flips, because I think it's still way too early to feel kicks.  I do still find myself resting my hands on my stomach, hoping and imagining the little one can feel me.  I'm getting inpatient for the movement, though, because I LOVE that part.  It's so cool to be able to feel what the baby is doing in there.  I'm very excited to have Sam and Abi feel once it's really noticeable.