Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Where is Emerson at 7.5 months?

Well, she's ALMOST crawling.  Despite me telling the world that this baby would walk before she crawled, she is scooting and scooching all over the place.  Especially if there is a shoe nearby that she wants to place in her mouth.  She loves to stand up holding on to anything and everything.  She hates lying still to get her diaper changed.  Instead, she likes to wriggle her right arm to above the left side of her head while simultaneously twisting her body in the opposite direction.  Makes for a fun diaper changing situation, but she can usually be distracted by a toy, or, if one's not available, another diaper (clean, obviously).  She's eating stage 2 solids, mixed with rice to thicken them up.  She tasted banana pudding the other day and was a huge fan.  She's pretty serious, but usually takes time to smile whenever someone new comes in the room.

She is waking at the ridiculous hour of 5am, occasionally making it to 5:30 but also just as frequently waking in the 4's.  This is criminal and I will be sure to remind her of it when she is a teenager.  Thankfully she is sleeping a good 10 hours straight so it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be.  5am is just so, so, so early.  With waking at 5, she's ready for her first nap by 8am, and then another around noon or 1.  Depending on the day, she also can usually take a 20 minute nap around 5pm too.  She eats 1-2 full packets of food every day along with some cereal.  She thinks it's hilarious to blow raspberries right after I put food in her mouth.  Super funny, Em.

Did I already say this?  She has 2 teeth.  Starting to pop a third through!  Loving peek-a-boo and tickles in the neck.  Still drooling like a champ.  My favorite thing: when she is tired, she rests her head on my chest and just stares into the space in front of her.  She's all limp and cuddly.  Mmmmm.