Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Em-isms at 19 months

She is TALKING.  So ridiculously cute.

I wah pee! - I walk please!

I see? - Can I see?

EAT!! (in a very emphatic way...it's pretty clear what this one means)

BUH!! (ditto - she loves her books)
Her favorite way to read is to point at every object on the page and say, "Sah?" (what's that?) and then listen to me say the answer.  Over, and over, and over.

Diaper time..."I see?"  She likes to see the results of her, um, work?  And then, "I tuh?" Which means "Please hand me a wipe so I can clean myself."
And in other potty news...she peed on the potty!!  TWICE!!!  She says, "Poop!" which obviously means, "I have to pee," and then she DOES it!  I'm so ready to be done with diapers.

She loves to get her hands washed in the sink.  Today, I put foaming hand soap on her precious hands and she rubbed them together then immediately started rubbing them into her hair!  She was shampooing. =)

She says "No, ta-too!" to most things...even things that don't require a polite answer - like, "Time to change your diaper!"  Emerson: "No, ta-too...No ta-too...NO, TA-TOO!!!!"  She yells it.  In a very thoughtful way.

Whenever a song is on that she likes, she listens intently.  Then, when the song is over (or if it's a favorite song that she knows well, when it's approaching the end of the song), she'll say, "Uh-oh!" which is code for "immediately put the song on repeat or risk major Emerson meltdown."

She knows animal noises - cow, dog, cat, sheep...that's it for now.  And body parts - eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, elbows, knees, back, belly button, feet, toes, legs, hair.  She's very good at brushing her hair.

Whenever you say, "Em, you're making me sad!" She makes a sad face and whimpers.  And then grins because she knows she's the cutest thing that ever existed.  Likewise with her "No ta-toos."  She loves to get tickled, that girl.

Whenever I walk in the door after work, she somehow knows it's me.  She jumps down from whatever she's doing and RUNS to the front door, calling the whole way, "Mama, mama, mama!"  It melts me.  It almost makes me like going to work so I can get that welcome when I come home.

Favorite foods: yogurt (that she can eat herSELF! - very messily), Mac-N-Cheese, breaded chicken cutlets, pasta with sauce, grapes, guacamole (she will eat three huge bowls if I let her - even with onions), scrambled eggs, toast.

This girl loves the water.  We take her to the beach and she will walk and walk until she's under water - and then when we pull her up, she smiles, blinks the water out of her eyes, and flails around until we put her back in.  She is a fish.  Also loves playing with the faucet, which keeps her occupied while Sam and Abi are swimming off the dock.

She's so easy to put to bed.  Play in the room for a while ("I pay?"), put on jammies, read 2 books (the same two books, every night), and drink her ba-ba (yes, she still gets a bottle - it's cuddle time and I'm not ready to give it up).  Then, when she's done with her bottle, she'll hand it to me ("heya go!") and I ask "Ready for night night?" and she says "Niy-niy."  Then I tell her I love her and she tells me, "I ya-ya!"  I love this girl.