Sunday, December 23, 2012

35 + 2

130 lbs - no matter what I do I just keep gaining weight...!

I am officially more pregnant with Little Number Three than I ever was with Abi - huge milestone!!!  In fact, when I saw my high-risk OB last week (at 33+6 weeks), he told me that after 34 weeks they would not perform tocolysis (ie, wouldn't stop labor if it happened) and the baby had a 100% chance of survival.  I immediately felt more relaxed at that point and stopped stressing - although I am not really ready for the baby to come just yet, at least I know that he/ she will be healthy and okay if we have an early arrival.  I was officially discharged from the high-risk clinic that day, but I think I still would deliver at Sacred Heart (instead of Eglin) if the baby were born before 36 weeks, because Eglin doesn't have any kind of NICU care.

Here I am now:

Yes, it's a public restroom.  We don't have any full-length mirrors in our house, and I get self-conscious asking anyone else to take a picture.  Lest you think I went in there specifically to take pregnancy pictures, let me tell you that I was waiting on Sam - his feet are just out of the frame of the picture in the stall to the far right. =)

The daily contractions continue but not as strong or frequent as before.  I have also had 3 separate episodes of STRONG contractions (2 today, in fact), that very much remind me of going into labor with Sam.  I hope I'm imagining them, or that they are just Braxton-Hicks.  Although I know the baby would be fine if born today, I have too much to do before Christmas to go into labor!

Fingers (and legs) crossed for 4+ more weeks!