Sunday, December 23, 2012

35 + 2

130 lbs - no matter what I do I just keep gaining weight...!

I am officially more pregnant with Little Number Three than I ever was with Abi - huge milestone!!!  In fact, when I saw my high-risk OB last week (at 33+6 weeks), he told me that after 34 weeks they would not perform tocolysis (ie, wouldn't stop labor if it happened) and the baby had a 100% chance of survival.  I immediately felt more relaxed at that point and stopped stressing - although I am not really ready for the baby to come just yet, at least I know that he/ she will be healthy and okay if we have an early arrival.  I was officially discharged from the high-risk clinic that day, but I think I still would deliver at Sacred Heart (instead of Eglin) if the baby were born before 36 weeks, because Eglin doesn't have any kind of NICU care.

Here I am now:

Yes, it's a public restroom.  We don't have any full-length mirrors in our house, and I get self-conscious asking anyone else to take a picture.  Lest you think I went in there specifically to take pregnancy pictures, let me tell you that I was waiting on Sam - his feet are just out of the frame of the picture in the stall to the far right. =)

The daily contractions continue but not as strong or frequent as before.  I have also had 3 separate episodes of STRONG contractions (2 today, in fact), that very much remind me of going into labor with Sam.  I hope I'm imagining them, or that they are just Braxton-Hicks.  Although I know the baby would be fine if born today, I have too much to do before Christmas to go into labor!

Fingers (and legs) crossed for 4+ more weeks!


  1. Am I calculating correctly that this makes you 37 weeks today? If so, and if you haven't yet delivered, congratulations on making it full term! (Watch you go and deliver at 42 weeks.)

    Hope you're doing well and that we can talk soon.

  2. Hey Rach! I don't actually expect people to keep track of how far along I am, so I'll cut you some slack for being a day off. But thanks for the congratulations - that was a nice milestone to hit.

    I hope we can talk soon too. Been thinking of you and missing you tons. =)
