Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Little Em is 3 months old already!  I'll say it again - on the one hand, it feels like time is going by so fast with her - almost 13 weeks! - but on the other hand, it seems like she's been a part of our lives forever.  Crazy, that.

Emerson at 12 weeks

For the past several nights she has slept "through" the night (meaning, of course, that she sleeps for 7-8 hours in a row, not necessarily waking at normal waking hours though).  I don't care; I'll take it.  I really don't know if I could have made it through another week like last week - I was literally falling asleep at my desk and going to bed every night at 8:30pm.  I remember feeling sleep-deprived with Sam and Abi, but I don't remember quite how painful it was.

Thankfully, aside from what I feel is normal nighttime waking (which may be tapering to an end anyway - wahoo!), Em is an easy, EASY baby.  She rarely cries, and when she does, it's either because she's hungry or dirty.  I never saw a baby who hated to be dirty as much as she does!  When she's tired, she just rubs her eyes and kind of whines a little bit, and you put her in her swing (where she still sleeps) and she quietly dozes off into dreamland.  She loves to lie on her changing table, just looking around, and that is usually where I get the most smiles from her.  Mom got her laughing yesterday by playing patty cake.  Baby laughs are priceless.

Em has been on 2 plane rides so far - one to visit Grandy and Grandpa in Texas, and one to visit Uncle Mike and Aunt Megan in Colorado.  She had her first gondola ride in Colorado and loved it.  I forgot how much work it is to travel with an infant - she pretty much needs her own suitcase - but thankfully (again), she travels great.  Good thing, since she'll be accompanying me and Scott to Hawaii in a few days!  She loves adventure. =)

Supermom with 3 kids on the airplane 
(Scott was right across the aisle, taking the picture)

                            First gondola ride                                                                    Loving every minute

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