Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Week...10? Or the end of week 9. Somewhere in there.

I forgot how much I love being pregnant.  Since I'm still so early, not too many people know, but I had to tell a bunch of near-strangers over the last week because I am taking an acupuncture course, and am not supposed to be needled, apparently.  It's fun telling people!  Especially when they find out it's my third.  But even when people know, I still feel like I have a special secret - I touch my stomach and know that there is a perfect little blueberry (grape, now, actually) in there, and that he or she and I are as close as two humans can ever ever be.  I love that feeling.

It's so fun telling our family and friends, too.  When we told the grandparents-to-be, we did it over video chat.  We told them we needed their opinions, because we were trying to decide what color to paint the guest bedroom.  Then we showed them two color swatches: one blue, and one pink, and asked them which they liked.  Mom said, "I like the salmon color," to which I had to reply, "It's definitely not salmon, it's pink."  To which she said, "Well, I don't think you should paint it pink, but the salmon is nice."  When I finally told her that we didn't really have to decide until January, Dad got it immediately and they were both completely shocked.  Diane and Jon were equally clueless and shocked.  Meg knew from the beginning, and Mike figured it out immediately.  Guess the younger generation is more in baby-mode than the grandparents.  I told my friend Chellie when I saw her this weekend, and she immediately ran to put my feet up on a chair, and got me 2 pillows to put behind my back.  She kept offering me water, saying, "The baby needs water!"  So, so fun.

What I don't love, and what I didn't expect, is that I am showing already!  I've always heard that women show earlier with subsequent pregnancies, but I certainly didn't notice it with Abi, and so I didn't expect it now either.  I am less than 10 weeks, and the other day, my belly just popped right out.  I call it my "food baby," because it is definitely more prominent after eating, but it's there pretty much all the time now.  Plus, when I weighed myself tonight, I was 116 lbs - a 5 lb weight gain from my baseline, and my belly button is all stretched out.  And that's with running 6 miles this weekend!

Can't argue with that little pooch.  That's the biggest blueberry I ever saw...!  Guess it's time to start the cocoa butter. =)

Anyway, thankfully my amazing sister Meg already looked up some adorable, hip maternity fashion options for me, and I just bought a couple of pairs of maternity leggings so I can achieve that super-cute look.  I'm hoping I have a few more months before those become really necessary, but at least I have them just in case.

Heading to RI next week, at which time the secret will be out.  I have my first MFM ultrasound scheduled for July 19th, so I'll be able to solidify my dates a little better.  Will keep checking in whenever I can!

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