Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Random Memories from May 2013

- Whenever you give Abi a kiss, or even make a kiss sound, she will always - ALWAYS - reply with a kiss or a kiss sound.  Including when she's 90% asleep.  Every morning, she follows me outside for a "piggy ride" (hangs on to my window while standing on the running board as I back out of the driveway).  Then she says, "I'm walking!" and stands in the driveway while I drive away.  When I beep the horn at her, she yells back, "HONK!"

- Her latest song: "Two, four, six, eight, who do we appreciate? Ten!"  Even cuter - all her church songs, complete with hand motions ("Wif jest ONE SMALL VOICE" [with accompanying movements] - gets me every time).

- Emerson loves her toes.  LOVES them.  Can't say I blame her.  They ARE pretty cute.  She rolls!  From back to front.  Except that she does it with her hands at her side, while she's on her back, and consequently ends up on her stomach, flailing her legs with her neck strrrrrretched up while her arms are stuck awkwardly by her sides and she DOES. NOT. LIKE. IT.  Is it bad that I just look at her and smile when she's stuck like that?

- She is a bubble girl.  Random people call her Bubbles.  Hopefully that nickname doesn't stick around very long.  She has learned raspberries and loves to sit in her Bumbo on the kitchen counter, just checking out the action and drooling.

- Sam has discovered the awesomeness of massage.  He got multiple applications of sunscreen this weekend, with extra focus on his shoulder blades.  He's smart, that one.  And what a temper.  Not going to chronicle any of THAT right now.  He is a whiz at math.  He asked me one day how much something cost, and the answer was $5.  He said, "So, if I have $20, I can buy 4?"  Without even thinking or counting in his head.  He gets it.  So proud.

- He had his first slumber party last weekend - no phone calls home and no wetting the bed.  We'll call it a success.  Every morning when he wakes up, he stands at the top of the stairs and launches both Diggy's down the stairs.  So I wake up to "clunk, clunk" or "smoosh, smoosh" or whatever it sounds like when a beat-up, understuffed dog hits the ground from 17 steps up.  One morning he got him caught on the light fixture on the side of the stairs.  Giggle giggle.

                    This picture makes me cry.  He knows me well.

One of my favorite things to do


  1. Hi, Melissa - thanks for your service to the world on CP11. I am writing a short history of the mission for the Society for the History of Navy Medicine and I would love to know your full name, rank, and hometown. Could you email or message me please? Thanks and best wishes to you and your beautiful family.

    1. Hi Rebecca, thanks for finding and reading my blog! Happy to provide my info - it is:
      Maj Melissa M. King
      MC, USAF
      Currently living in Fort Walton Beach, FL (stationed at Eglin AFB).

      Good luck on your history - I'd love to read it sometime!
