Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Little Em is 5.67 months...

Not QUITE 6 months, but close.

She is just starting to sit up on her own, but she still topples regularly, both forward and backward.  She now wants to be entertained, and a rattle or her foot will usually suffice, but sometimes she demands adult interaction, which is pretty adorable.  She ate her first food today!  I had tried a couple of times before and she was NOT interested, but today I couldn't get it in fast enough.  I gave her a mix of apples, carrots, and mangos.  Definitely a hit!  The problem is that she loves to suck on her hands, and before I could wipe her face or mouth, she'd put her hand in, and then wave her hand around and touch the chair, her clothes, the counter, etc.  We made quite a mess.  Totally worth it though.

She still loves her bath, especially when the water trickles on her leg or she can splash.  Liz likes to say that both she and Emerson got a bath today!  She is wearing 3 month clothes still, but getting ready to move to the next size.  She does have a rather large head (for her body), and sometimes I have trouble getting the outfit over it!  She did have an ultrasound, which showed that her brain is normal, so I guess she's just extra smart.  Doesn't mean I don't worry, though.  Obviously.

We spent the last few days in Dallas, visiting my sister, who just had a new baby 2 weeks ago.  It was cool to see the brand new baby stage again.  They are so tiny and it's already hard to remember Em that small.  I have to say, I'm glad we are where we are though.  The first few months are rough - baby going to bed at 10 or 11 at night, multiple nighttime (and daytime) feedings, lots of poops, etc. etc. etc.  Very ungratifying, with no real interaction, no smiles, no precious baby laughs, no reward for all the hard hours and late nights.  Em has the most beautiful smile and a gorgeous precious angelic laugh.  She reliably goes to bed between 7:00 and 7:30, and usually wakes once to feed (although last night she slept all the way through...heaven!!!).  We're still nursing, usually once in the morning, pumping twice at work, and then once before bedtime.  I definitely prefer weekends or vacation when I can nurse as much as I can during the day.  I hate pumping.  Although recently I've been taking a nap while I pump, which is weird, I suppose, but those hands-free bras make anything possible!

Scott left a couple of weeks ago for Boston.  He's doing a 1-year fellowship up there in pain management.  So far I think it's pretty stressful for him, and I know he misses the kids too, which just adds to the stress.  For my part, the single mom thing is going okay.  Sam and Abi stayed in Dallas for an extra week, so right now it's just me and Emerson at home.  I have to say, if I ever thought having one child was difficult, I take it all back.  It is straight out boring!  BUT - I'm trying to use this time to really bond with Em.  With her being the third child, I think she gets a raw deal.  My attention is definitely usually split, and focused on Sam and Abi - feeding them, entertaining them, putting them to bed, breaking up fights, whatever, and Em is just along for the ride.  So this week, I'm really trying to give her my undivided attention whenever I get home from work and she's awake.  She loves it, I think.  As do I!

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