Sunday, November 17, 2013

10 months of amazing little Em

Just wanted to post a quick update on her current status:

- She LOVES climbing the stairs - all 18 of them.  She crawls her little tush over to the bottom of the stairs, grabs hold of the hand rail, stands up, and then peers into the living room to make sure someone is watching.  Then, she gets a HUGE grin on her face and she's off!  Of course I immediately head over to make sure she's safe, and she loves when I pretend to chase her up the stairs.  She makes it all the way to the top and then loves to just sit precariously right on the edge of the landing, waiting for me to grab her.

- She took 2 steps last week!  I missed them, unfortunately =( but it's only a matter of time before she tries again!

- She ate some tiny pieces of real chicken today, and loved them.  She's not particularly picky; she'll eat pretty much any of the baby food gourmet meals, and she loves Baby Mum-Mums.

- For the past several months, she has HATED to get her diaper changed.  I really don't remember Sam or Abi being so stubborn, but she would literally twist herself completely over mid-diaper change.  This made for some interesting experiences after a poop, when I would try to put on cream, and she's flipping and flopping all over the place.  Nothing helped.  At the risk of speaking prematurely, I will say that she seems to be outgrowing the rebellion against the clean diaper.  The last few days have been infinitely easier.

- She's about 18.5 lbs and barely fitting into her infant carseat.  We'll have to change her to the toddler seat soon.  She still has a big head but her body seems to be growing into it.

- She loves to walk behind anything that moves and push it around the house.  She's terrible at steering so every time she crashes into an obstacle (wall, couch, table, etc.) she just squawks until someone rescues and redirects her.

- She's starting to imitate!!  She loves to yell, "AAGH!" when one of us makes a loud noise, and she can imitate "ma-ma-ma."  With Sam and Abi, whenever I would say, "ma-ma-ma," they would repeat "da-da-da," driving me nuts!  Not this precious one.  She knows how to get on my good side.  =)

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