Saturday, January 4, 2014

Emerson...11.5 months!!!

Precious baby girl.  Smart.  Strong.  Independent, yet loves to be held.  A charmer.  Serious.  Gorgeous.

20 lbs on the nose!  She is walking everywhere, although very unsteadily (my favorite kind of walk).  When she's about to fall, she gently bends her knees and plops down on her bottom.  She took her first real steps over Christmas.  Today Sam said, "Aw, she's walking!  She might never crawl again!" making me, obviously, ridiculously sad and sentimental.  Hence the blog entry tonight.

She knows some sign language!  She is really good at "more" (putting her little fingertips together in front of her chest) although it's usually the absence of this sign that really means anything to me - she signs "more" when she hasn't had anything yet, or when she wants me to pick her up, or really when she wants anything at all.  It's when she's not signing "more" that I know she's done with whatever she's eating.  She also says "mo" while she's signing it, which exponentially increases the cuteness factor.  We're working on "all done" (waving hands in the air by her face), and she sort of gets it, but definitely doesn't understand what it means.

Her first words were "more" (see above) and "dog" (which she pronounces "da").  She's also really good at mama (obviously my favorite in her current repertoire).  She's been saying all these for a few weeks.  She first started saying "dog" over Christmas at Mike and Meg's - every time Bailey would come down the stairs or enter the room, her eyes became fixed on him and she would follow him around saying, "da! da!"

She has 2 full teeth on the bottom and 2 more poking through on the top.  She has two of the most adorable dimples I've ever seen.  She has a gorgeous silly face, where she crinkles up her nose and eyes and gives a huge grin.  She sometimes gives me this face and simultaneously tips her head backwars onto the chair/ couch/ etc.  It is hilarious.  She loves to be chased and tickled.  She can wave bye-bye and give high-five.  Working on blowing kisses.  She starts dancing every time the alphabet song comes on, or when Gramma sings the "dancin'" song.

She eats everything that mom and big siblings eat.  She is particularly fond of ham, pork, prime rib, blueberries, wagon wheels, apples, and marshmallows.  When she first discovered Cheerios, all you had to do was bring out the box and she got a huge smile on her face!  Now they're old hat.  She's onto the real foods.  Much to my dismay, since my next order from Amazon just automatically placed itself, and we're about to get 12 x 10 more containers of smushed-up baby veggies.  Thankfully, she hasn't wanted to feed herself with a fork or spoon yet.  Finger foods are messy enough.

She loves to hang out in my bathroom, standing on the edge of the tub and putting her fingers in the water dripping out of the faucet.  She loves baths too.  She's a splasher!  She recently has come to enjoy destroying everything in her path - pulling every shoe from my shoe shelf and throwing each one vigorously onto the floor, doing the same with her clothes and diapers in her changing station, pulling every wet wipe one by one out of the container and onto the floor, pulling all the books off the bookshelf...shall I go on?  She does NOT enjoy getting her diaper changed but she is definitely getting better.  This has been an ongoing issue for several months so maybe I'm just getting used to it, but I actually think it's not as hard to change her as it was before.  Although Papa recently changed her and it's a miracle the diaper stayed on...and her knees were well-coated with diaper rash cream. :-)

On a different note, Abi got her first stitches today - a door opened into her forehead and left a gash right over her left eyebrow.  Only needed 2 stitches and she was SUCH a trooper.  Squeezed my hand a little bit when the lidocaine went in, and then said, "Ow" when the needle entered the skin, but otherwise not a peep or a tear.  My brave little soldier.

Sam is noticeably more mature over the last month or so.  His thought patterns and ideas are follow-able and make actual sense, and his behavior is impressively better too.  He will (usually) calmly say to Abi, "You are pushing my buttons, Abi!" rather than exploding as he used to do.  My kids are amazing.  I am so lucky.

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